Strategy to get backlinks

Backlink is one way of optimizing SEO how to obtain support from the websites / blogs of other people. Search engines, especially google really liked this. Because your website / blog is felt to have a high level of popularity. The more backlinks which we obtained, the better we will get results. Good backlink is a backlink from your website / blog that has a google ranking (PageRank) high.

One Way Backlink
called a one way backlink if you put your website / blog link in your website / blog to others, while the website / blog that other person does not obligate you to put a link on your web page site. One Way backlin oelh loved search engine like google, for a website / blog considered to be very popular.

Two-way backlink
Two-way backlink is a system whereby both parties get a link from each site. Usually referred to also exchange links.

Three-way Backlink
Three-way backlinks are usually carried out by the County website that will do submit your site to third party sites, provided that you have to put a link site to others at your site first

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