Hi Kabel, here's a quick, fun Photoshop 'project' for you

Hi Kabel,

Here's a quick, fun project for you to experiment with
photoshop that I think you might enjoy...

If you want to "SEE" tips and tricks like these being
done on video right before your eyes (instead of reading
how to do them) then go here and grab yourself a copy of
the Photshop Fast Track video tutorials:

...Ever thought of making some nice coloring books for the
kids? They are easy to make and can save you some money if
you make them yourself.The first step is to turn a photo into
a sketch, and that's exactly what we'll do in 6 easy steps.

STEP 1 - Duplicate The Background Layer First duplicate the
background layer. Go Layer > New > Layer via Copy. Now we
have 2 layers, the Background Layer, and Layer 1.

STEP 2 - Desaturate The Photo With Layer 1 selected, choose
Image > Adjustments > Desaturate. This gives us a grayscale
version of the photo.

STEP 3 - Duplicate Layer 1 At this point you must duplicate
Layer 1. With Layer 1 selected, click Layer > New > Layer
via Copy. Now we have 3 layers, the Background Layer, Layer
1 and Layer 2.

Now we will work with Layer 2.

STEP 4 - Invert Layer 2 With Layer 2 selected, click Image >
Adjustments > Invert. This will make your photo look like a

STEP 5 - Change The Layers Blend Mode To Color Dodge In the
Layers Palette change the Layers Blend Mode for this layer
(Layer 2) to Color Dodge. This will make your photo almost
completely white, ok, don't panic! it's part of the process!

STEP 6 - Apply The Gaussian Blur Filter Click Filter > Blur
> Gaussian Blur. When the dialog box appears start by moving
the Radius Slider all the way to the left. Once you've done
that you can start to slowly move it to the right.

Now here comes some real Photoshop magic - As you move the
slider you'll see your sketch will start to appear. Now
experiment to make sure you are getting the desired effect.

Remember bigger numbers create a more pronounced effect, but
will turn your sketch back into a photo, which you don't
want, so when you reach that point simply nudge the slider
to the left just a little and that should do it!

Experiment With Settings

This technique will also work with the Motion Blur Filter
and the Radial Blur Filter. The reason I mention this is
sometimes an image will not work as expected, and so you
have to try different methods.

Now go ahead and print out your best sketches and create
some nice coloring books, then let the kids go crazy with
their crayons and coloring pencils! They'll love you for it!

Want more fun ideas to do with your Photoshop? "Photoshop
Fast Track for Newbies" teaches you everything you need to
know in less than 2 hours, Guaranteed!


David Peters
Your Adobe Photoshop Coach.

"Photoshop Fast Track for Newbies" Master the Basics of
Adobe Photoshop in Just 2 Hours With No Boring Manuals!


PO Box 29502 # 75463
Las Vegas, NV

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