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Mobile Interactive Group Scoops Up Mobile Payments Startup Zaypay

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 02:25 AM PDT


Mobile Interactive Group (MIG) this morning announced that it has acquired global mobile payments business Zaypay, a startup based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. MIG says it will continue to operate Zaypay as a standalone business, but declined to disclose financial terms of the agreement, other than to reveal that it was an all-cash deal.

Zaypay enables third-party developers to process international micropayments through SMS, phone calls, in-app and other alternative payment methods. ZayPay was founded by Dutch entrepreneur Adriaan Mol (27) in 2006 and is currently operational in 44 countries.

Launch Date: January 6, 2007

Zaypay offers gaming companies a unique portfolio of billing methods including: premium sms, premium rate numbers and content billing. Using Zaypay avoids the complexity of dealing with different mobile operators, technologies, and transaction management methods. Merchants receive extensive financial and technical data on their platform, leaving the hassle of processing, checking and collecting to Zaypay. With our innovative payment gateway, merchants can bill customers worldwide directly on their mobile or fixed line phone.

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Mobile Interactive Group (MIG) is an integrated mobile and digital communications business. Comprising a unique combination of businesses, MIG specialist disciplines include mobile advertising, mobile marketing, mobile billing, mobile messaging, mobile technology and services provision, multi channel digital solutions, mobile internet publishing, experiential design and application development. There are five companies within MIG, see products, and each has its own areas of expertise

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Watch This: Former Nokia Exec Acquires Meta Watch’s Connected Watch Business

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 01:08 AM PDT


A group of investors led by Juha Pinomaa, former President of Suunto and a former Nokia exec, has acquired the connected watch business of a company called Meta Watch, as well as related IP assets.

Joining Pinomaa as investors and key managers are Bill Geiser and David Rosales, who previously led the Watch Technology Division of Fossil, the now-former owner of Meta Watch.

Connected watches are nothing new, but Meta Watch has made a name for itself with its developer-friendly approach. Aiming to reinvent the wrist watch as a simple but powerful mobile accessory, the company’s platforms enable developers to extend the interfaces of a range of mobile devices and applications to their products.