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Softbank Pumps $200 Million Into Mobile Ad Network Company InMobi

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 03:14 AM PDT


InMobi, which bills itself as the world’s largest independent mobile ad network, has raised a whopping $200 million in funding from Softbank. The investment will come in two tranches: half this month, the other half in April 2012.

Softbank joins existing backers Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sherpalo Ventures as investors in the company, which recently acquired HTML5 ad builder Sprout.

Naveen Tewari, founder and CEO of InMobi, commented:

“The size of the investment and quality of investor validate the enormous potential in mobile today and strengthen our role in helping the industry evolve. We have already established ourselves as a leader in mobile advertising on every continent. This is just the beginning.

With a global leader like Softbank behind us, we are now well positioned to fully capitalize on the opportunity before us through substantially increased product innovation, deeper market penetration, and acquisitions across the mobile ad value chain.”

InMobi says its mobile ad network currently reaches 340 million consumers, in over 165 countries, through more than 47 billion monthly mobile ad impressions.

The company has raised $15.6 million before closing the $200m investment round earlier this week.

Company: InMobi
Launch Date: September 15, 2011
Funding: $216M

InMobi is the world’s largest independent mobile advertising network. With offices on four continents, it provides advertisers, publishers and developers with a uniquely global solution for advertising. Its network is growing fast and now delivers the unprecedented ability to reach 314 million consumers, in over 165 countries, through more than 36.2 billion mobile ad impressions monthly. InMobi was recently selected as the 2010 AlwaysOn Global 250 Company to Watch in Silicon Valley. InMobi is venture-backed with marquee investors including: Kleiner,...

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Company: SoftBank
Launch Date: March 9, 1981

SoftBank is a Japanese telecommunications and media corporation, headquartered in Tokyo and founded in 1981 by Masayoshi Son. With a market capitalization of around $20 billion, SoftBank is one of the biggest Internet-related companies in Asia. SoftBank operates in various fields such as broadband infrastructure, e-commerce, Internet services, fixed-line telecommunications, mobile phone and web business, financial services and many more. The company took over mobile phone operations from Vodafone Japan in 2006 and is currently No. 3 among the main...

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The Ultimate Guide To TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2011

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 08:28 PM PDT


TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco has just wrapped. In the feverish air of anticipation we carefully cultivate during the Disrupt season, you may have missed some of the talks, panels, launches, or startups that have taken place here at this incomparable conference. Don’t worry. We’ve collected all the content by our writing and video teams here in this handy omnibus post. If you only share one item today, make it this one.

Almost everything that happened on stage was captured by the unblinking eye of TechCrunch TV, so there is video at the bottom of most posts and many even have crowdsourced transcriptions. More video can be found here at the TCTV archive for the event. Literally thousands of photos from our capable photographer can be found here, including most of the companies in the startup alley, and my photos (which appeared in the posts) are free to download from the TechCrunch Flickr page. And of course, all news relating to this and other Disrupt conference can always be found at Read on for links to the rest of our coverage.

Launches, panels, and Fireside Chats


Session one: Disrupting traditional markets

Tonara: a tablet-based sheet music program that listens and adjusts as you play
Farmigo: community-based growing and selling of fresh local produce
HouseFix: tracks home repairs and enriches relationships with home contractors and services
Openbucks: cashless and bankless payment using major gift card providers
CakeHealth: sophisticated but user-friendly tracking of insurance costs, claims, etc.

Session two: Moving the web forward

Spool: saves full webpages for mobile consumption later using an intelligent content scraper
Verious: a marketplace for mobile app middleware
Pressly: HTML5-based, tablet-friendly, quick-deployment web apps for online content
Bitcasa: infinite cloud-based storage for all your data with predictive syncing and caching
Everpix: collects all your photos online and offline into a single online meta-album

Session three: Entertain us

Shaker: a social, network-agnostic mingling environment
YouNow: crowd-rated live web broadcasting
Amen: an opinion-rating engine of sorts (simple to grasp, difficult to explain)
IdleGames: developing next-generation games for social networks gamifying everyday life (startup alley audience pick)

Launches, panels, and Fireside Chats


Session four: Customer-friendly enterprise

TalkTo: contacting local businesses for appointments, feedback, etc. via text message
Rewardli: lets companies do group purchasing by leveraging the social graph
SizeUp: provides rich local metrics for small businesses to help them grow
Trello: a universal workflow and task management platform
Prism Skylabs: processes security footage to produce powerful analytic information on physical spaces

Session five: Local networks

Postmates: a sort of ad-hoc courier network for excess bike messenger capacity
Trippy: friend-sourced travel planning and trip sharing
LocalHero: finds people around you who can help with things you need now
Grow the Planet: a sort of real life Farmville that helps you grow your own vegetables
Meexo: gamifies online dating and tries to solve some of the persistent problems in that space

Session six: Increasing understanding

JiffPad: a platform for facilitating useful communication between doctors and patients
Vocre: mobile app that provides near-instant translations of spoken speech
PlaySay: a language-learning platform using Facebook that has you translate status updates and comments
GoInstant: simple, instant browser sharing between two or many people
RentLord: suite of (very useful) tools and rich data tracking for landlords and tenants
CardFlick: rich, clickable “cards” on mobile phones that can be traded by flicking them (startup alley pick)

Launches, panels, and Fireside Chats

And the winner is…

Our hundreds of applicants were reduced to 29 battlefield companies (plus two selected day-of by the audience) then to the last six, who were given an extended period in which to re-pitch their companies to a new set of judges. After an hour’s retirement and consideration, they returned, with the news that Shaker would be receiving the $50,000 prize and prestigious TechCrunch Disrupt Cup. Prism Sky Labs, the runners up, have received a gilded shoe.

Congratulations to the winners! We would also like to extend our thanks to everyone who applied, attended, sponsored, or supported Disrupt this year. We look forward to seeing you all again here in San Francisco next year, or earlier, in New York or even Beijing.

On another note, this summary wouldn’t be complete without an acknowledgement of Mike Arrington and his contributions to tech journalism. For years TechCrunch has grown bigger and better under his leadership. I’d like to extend a personal thanks to Mike, but I think the standing ovation prompted by Ron Conway’s closing comments is more eloquent:

Best of luck, Mike.

Reminder: The TC Gadgets/Mobile Meet-Up Is Tomorrow In San Francisco

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 04:01 PM PDT


To recap: on September 15 at 6:30pm TechCrunch Mobile and Gadgets will host our first meet-up at Roe @ 651 Howard St. in sunny SF. Sponsored by Samsung, this meet-up will be the first chance for our readers to get ahold of some of Samsung’s latest products including the just-announced Galaxy S II. It is an event not to be missed.

We’ll have some finger food, a little dancing, maybe some networking and an open bar (It’s 21 and over, obviously). We invite you to meet the entire TCG/M team and chill with some of Samsung’s newest gear and the chance to win a new Samsung Infuse 4G – we’re giving one out ever half hour!

Date: Thursday, 9/15/11
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Location: Roe

Tickets are sold out but if you RSVPed, be sure to show.

Special thanks to Samsung for the sponsorship and we hope to see you in SF on September 15.

Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC, a Dallas-based subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., researches, develops and markets wireless handsets, wireless infrastructure and other telecommunications products throughout North America. For more information, please visit

Clearwire, China Mobile Partner Up To Expand LTE

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 03:02 PM PDT


It’s no secret that Clearwire is looking at rolling out an LTE network of their own here in the States, but a recently announced partnership could bring them some big support from overseas. The 4G internet provider has inked a deal with state-owned China Mobile to collaborate on the development of new TD-LTE devices.

TD-LTE is a network standard that China Mobile has been working to implement during the past few years. China Mobile’s forthcoming TD-LTE network runs on the 2.5 GHz frequency, which (what a coincidence!) matches up rather nicely with Clearwire’s own LTE licenses. Their partnership hinges on the development of multi-mode devices that could see use in either market.

For a company that’s rumored to be gobbled up soon, this partnership could be exactly what they need to stave off an acquisition. What Clearwire is really after is here is access: by helping to develop and expand the TD-LTE standard, they not only make it easier for OEMs to start working on devices usable by both companies, they also get in on the ground floor for potentially lucrative roaming agreements.

Of course, this all supposes that Clearwire can get the $600 million in funding necessary to start building out their TD-LTE network. Neither company has made mention of it, but if China Mobile were to pitch in a few bucks, it could generate some more state-side influence for China’s biggest wireless carrier.

Apple Looks To Postpone Motorola Patent Suits Courtesy Of Googorola Deal

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:43 PM PDT


Along with that sushi, Apple has a lot on its plate. The company has been battling Samsung since April in one of the most widespread patent wars ever, but many forget that Apple and Motorola Mobility have been duking it out for the past year. Motorola started it, and then Apple fired back with some multitouch patents, and the back-and-forth never ends.

The point? Apple has asked to postpone two of the ongoing cases in the U.S. — one in the Southern District of Florida and the other in the Western District of Wisconsin arguing that Moto has lost its “standing.”

This has everything to do with the Googorola deal. When Google announced its proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility, Motorola effectively lost a great deal of control over its patents, reports CNET. That means litigating or settling in these patent suits is kind of out of the question. Apple’s official statement:

To further its pending acquisition by Google, Motorola has surrendered critical rights in the patents-in-suit, such that Motorola no longer has prudential standing to pursue this action. According to the publicly-filed Merger Agreement, Motorola has ceded control of the most basic rights regarding the patents-in-suit. Absent Google’s consent, Motorola cannot: (1) sue for infringement of its patents in any new action; (2) settle pending litigation (including this case) that would require a license to any of its patents; (3) license or sublicense its patents except in limited circumstances relating to the sale of Motorola's products; (4) assign its rights in its patents; and/or (5) grant a covenant not to sue for infringement of its patents.

In other words, Motorola can’t really continue on in its suits with Apple. And if it could, Apple would be at an unfair advantage, says Apple.

Let’s say Motorola wins. Then Apple would not only spend a huge amount of money litigating against a party with no standing, but the company would also face an injunction brought upon it by a party with (again) no standing. Let’s say Apple wins. In that case Apple lawyers say, “[Apple] risks an attack on its victory on appeal by a third party, whether Google or another Android smartphone manufacturer, contending that the judgment should be overturned due to a lack of prudential standing,”

It’s hard to tell whether Apple’s request to postpone will be granted, but responses from Motorola are expected shortly.

Motorola is known around the world for innovation in communications and is focused on advancing the way the world connects. From broadband communications infrastructure, enterprise mobility and public safety solutions to mobile and wireline digital communication devices that provide compelling experiences, Motorola is leading the next wave of innovations that enable people, enterprises and governments to be more connected and more mobile. Motorola (NYSE: MOT) had sales of US $22 billion in 2009

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Company: Apple
Launch Date: January 4, 1976
IPO: September 15, 1980, NASDAQ:AAPL

Started by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple has expanded from computers to consumer electronics over the last 30 years, officially changing their name from Apple Computer, Inc. to Apple, Inc. in January 2007. Among the key offerings from Apple’s product line are: Pro line laptops (MacBook Pro) and desktops (Mac Pro), consumer line laptops (MacBook) and desktops (iMac), servers (Xserve), Apple TV, the Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server operating systems, the iPod (offered with...

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AT&T Messages Moves Your Conversations To The Cloud

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 11:17 AM PDT


To celebrate the opening of their new AT&T Foundry in Palo Alto, AT&T is talking about some of the ambitious projects that they and their partner developers have been cooking up. One of the most interesting so far is AT&T Messages, which attempts to make all of your messages, voicemails, and call logs accessible from multiple devices.

Their cloud communications concept sounds quite a bit like the messaging half of Google Voice, but AT&T Messages has a few distinct advantages. One big one is the fact that it integrates with your existing AT&T phone number without any extra legwork. Any message sent to an existing AT&T number gets pushed into the cloud, where it’s viewable from any other compatible device.

Another thing: while Google Voice does an excellent job of making text messages and voicemails viewable on nearly anything with a web connection, it simply can’t deal with MMS messages. AT&T Messages plays with multimedia messages just fine, meaning that users who bounce between devices won’t have to live without all the funny cat pictures their friends send them.

A beta version of the Android app has been floating around for a few weeks, but it was just updated today, presumably to fix a few usability issues. Once the app has been installed, users can log into AT&T’s messaging portal from a computer to pick up from exactly where they left off. AT&T says that there is an iOS version in the works, and that a tablet compatible version will be released this fall.

U.K. Ad Authority: Apple, Not Samsung, Has Thinnest Smartphone

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 09:01 AM PDT


Last time we heard from the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority, they had blocked Motorola from claiming that their Atrix handset was the world’s most powerful smartphone since its processor is slower than the Galaxy S II’s. While they came down on Samsung’s side that time, that isn’t the case now: they have ruled that the iPhone 4, and not the Galaxy S II is the world’s thinnest smartphone.

First, a little background: Apple has been referring to the iPhone 4 as the world’s thinnest smartphone in advertising and promo materials for a while now, but a rival for the crown popped up when the GSII was released. Samsung’s svelte new model is indeed thinner at certain points, measuring in at 8.71mm at its thinnest. It’s a considerable enough difference from the iPhone 4′s 9.3mm depth that it would’ve been a clear victory were it not for the Galaxy S II’s 9.91mm thick hump.

The ASA ruled that since the iPhone’s thickest point is thinner than the Galaxy S II’s thickest, Apple has the right to continue claiming the title. Samsung likely isn’t too pleased — save for a single thick bit, their GSII is mostly thinner, and Apple gets to maintain their positioning (in the UK at least) as purveyors of slim, sleek design.

Consider it a small victory for Apple, but there are much bigger battles to be fought. Apple and Samsung have been going at it in jurisdictions the world over, and all this means is that Samsung and Apple will have to find different ways to posture at each other.

Crime Pays: Red Robot Labs Snatches $8.5 Million From Benchmark

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 06:00 AM PDT


A few weeks ago, we wrote about Life Is Crime, a new location-based mobile game. The premise is pretty awesome: it’s like Foursquare meets Grand Theft Auto. You go around (virtually) beating up friends for money. As it happens, the game has helped parent company Red Robot Labs score some loot of their own — an $8.5 million Series A.

Benchmark Capital is leading the round with current investors Shasta Ventures, Rick Thompson (co-founder of Playdom), and Chamath Palihapitiya (former Facebook exec) participating as well. Benchmark’s Mitch Lasky will be joining the board as a result.

Red Robot Labs launched Life Is Crime at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in Seattle and they note that the convention center where the show was held saw some 20,000 virtual crimes committed in the game during that weekend alone. That resulted in thousands of hurt criminals, millions in contraband trafficked, and tens of millions of dollars robbed or laundered. They tout these things in their press release, which is awesome. Clearly the game caught on quickly with its core demographic.

And all of that is just on Android. The iPhone version isn’t ready quite yet but should be out soon. And I can’t wait for that, so I too can get out there and kick some virtual ass.

The funding won’t go just towards this one game though, Red Robot Labs is also building out a whole location-based gaming platform. They hope to have three games done by the end of the year — and one of those will be built by a third-party.

You can find the Android version of Life Is Crime here.

HTC Officially Unveils Sensation XE, The First Phone With Beats Audio

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 05:51 AM PDT


First spied in a slide deck last month, HTC’s rumored Special Edition Sensation has been officially revealed today, albeit with a new name. Aside from its snazzy new paint job, the Sensation XE will also be the first HTC device to launch with Beats audio (sorry Runnymede) when it starts shipping to Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East later this month.

The original covert reveal was almost entirely spot-on with regard to the XE’s specs: the processor indeed runs at 1.5 GHz (the original was only a 1.2), while 4GB of internal memory and a larger 1730 mAh battery round out the package. The rest of the device’s body remains identical to the original Sensation, though it now sports a rather handsome black and red color scheme.

In addition, today’s announcement shines a little more light on how Beats integration actually works: each Sensation XE ships with its own pair of Beats by Dre headphones with line-in remote, and a 8 or 16 GB microSD card. When the headphones are plugged into the phone while music is playing, the device automatically switches over to a specially-designed Beats audio profile that optimizes sound quality specifically for those headphones.

While I’m sure some of you are waiting with bated breath to see how well HTC executes their Beats integration, domestic fans may have to wait a little longer than the rest of the world: there are still no official details on a U.S. release.