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Scosche Outs iPhone Radiation Detector

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Before the action starts, the official status of this fancy new gadget is it’s out of stock. Don’t worry, since Scosche are hard at work on new models for their bestselling portable radiation detector. It’s originally called the RDTX-Pro but a new HRDTX is coming next year. The whole scoop after the jump!

Scosche Radiation Detector

Original Story Scosche Outs iPhone Radiation Detector

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For Holy Smoke, Ashes To Bullets And Dust To Dust

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 04:30 AM PDT

Unlike most places in the world (other than Yemen or Afghanistan), a vibrant gun culture is still alive and kicking in the US. But a new company wants to put a fresh spin on every enthusiastic shooter/outdoor type’s departure from this life. The startup is called Holy Smoke LLC and its founders specialize in turning cremated remains into bullets. Part of their marketing campaign involves shooting people into the afterlife. Not surprising.


Original Story For Holy Smoke, Ashes To Bullets And Dust To Dust

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iMaschine App By Music Producer Is A Studio In Your Pocket (Video)

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 04:00 AM PDT

Jamie Lidell is a beast. Not literally, but when it comes to music. The producer based in manhattan is currently promoting a new app called iMaschine that’s based on a sequencer developed by Native Instruments.  With several albums in the electronica-funk genre under his belt, Jamie comes highly qualified to bring the iMaschine to its limits, which you’ll see after the jump.

Original Story iMaschine App By Music Producer Is A Studio In Your Pocket (Video)

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Puss In Boots Is Fruit Ninja, Or The Other Way Around

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 03:50 AM PDT

We’re not entirely sure what Puss of Shrek fame, the imminent solo cinematic debut of which you are no doubt aware, has against fruit, but apparently he will be taking over for the ubiquitous Fruit Ninja in the latest version of the eponymous time-waster. And just in time too, lest his solo vehicle arrive in theaters under-promoted and rely on actual quality and word of mouth to put butts in seats.

Original Story Puss In Boots Is Fruit Ninja, Or The Other Way Around

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Scientists Converge For Sasquatch Hunt In Russia

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 03:00 AM PDT

A whole bunch of them (scientists), in fact. Since the Cold War has been over and done with for the past 21 years, American cryptozoologists (specializing in rare species) and their Russian counterparts are heading to a place 3,000 miles outside Moscow where alleged Yeti/Sasquatch sightings are frequent.

Russian Wilderness(...)
Original Story Scientists Converge For Sasquatch Hunt In Russia

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Skynet Alert! US Military Drones Infected By Mysterious Virus

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 01:44 AM PDT

There’s no need to panic, ladies and gentlemen. The warmachines aren’t turning on their masters yet. For starters, most of the CIA and Air Force drones are stationed in the Middle East and Africa, meaning they’re far away. The mysterious virus logging pilot keystrokes is also quite benign, though its origin is unknown. So the humongous mystery that should be clouding everyone’s thoughts right now is: where did it come from?

Predator Drone(...)
Original Story Skynet Alert! US Military Drones Infected By Mysterious Virus

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Farmville Movie Incoming, Toy Story Writers Attached

Posted: 07 Oct 2011 01:06 PM PDT

If you thought the era of astoundingly stupid movie deals based on video games with no plot, structure or characters had peaked with studios buying movie rights for Monopoly, The Sims and Battleship, rest assured there’s plenty where that came from. Farmville is apparently the newest IP to get the movie treatment without having so much as a line of dialogue.

Original Story Farmville Movie Incoming, Toy Story Writers Attached

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