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PhD Student Builds Game Changing Robot Eye Surgery Tool

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:19 AM PDT

His name is Thijs Meenink and he now has a bright future ahead of him. This is because of the innovation he has brought to eye surgery with his yet unbranded robot. The reason why this constitutes a game changer is the precision it allows eye surgeons to operate in.

Original Story PhD Student Builds Game Changing Robot Eye Surgery Tool

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Essential Reading: Incredible Arduino Origin Story Surfaces

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:13 AM PDT

Arduino is pretty ubiquitous these days. In fact, that’s an understatement. Arduino boards are at the heart of a revolution in electronics. But ever wondered about the people behind it? In a feat of exceptional journalism, David Kushner blows the lid on this incredible company and its origins. The biggest surprise of all is it’s not even a large company! Read more after the break.

Arduino Uno(...)
Original Story Essential Reading: Incredible Arduino Origin Story Surfaces

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Modern Warfare 3 Disc Stolen From Warehouse, Triggering Piracy Craze

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:08 AM PDT

Ah, humans and their foibles. Rather than wait for the official release, news has emerged that a warehouse/secure location housing Modern Warfare 3 discs was burglarized, resulting in a pirated MW3 that’s been going the rounds. Activision has sprung into action to avert the crisis, even going so far as to allow anyone who’s partaken in the stolen goods to surrender their games.

Modern Warfare 3(...)
Original Story Modern Warfare 3 Disc Stolen From Warehouse, Triggering Piracy Craze

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YouTube Going To War Against Cable

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:55 AM PDT

By partnering with so many different media companies that the flood of original content will leave cable as we know it in ruins. The incredibly long list of participant’s in YouTube’s drive to supplant people’s viewing habits includes entire channels, magazines, the WWE, and production outfits galore. (There’s even a hipster comedy show.) This latest offensive was already in the works a long time ago and occasionally surfaced in the news. Now it is on the verge of becoming reality.

YouTube logo

Original Story YouTube Going To War Against Cable

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AZiO Levetron Mech4 Gaming Keyboard Is For Total Digital Warfare

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:01 AM PDT

As the year draws to an explosive close, two games will basically be responsible for the joyous fireworks. These are Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3, both of which will undoubtedly grab every tech blog’s headlines as they ensnare gamers all across the globe. Since warfare is still the most riveting experienc ein gaming, it comes as no surprise that AZiO have outed their latest heavy duty keyboard for die hard gamers, the Levetron Mech4.

Levetron Mech4

Original Story AZiO Levetron Mech4 Gaming Keyboard Is For Total Digital Warfare

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Microsoft Envisions The Office Of Tomorrow With 2019 Short

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:37 PM PDT

Curiously enough, there doesn’t seem to be any Apple products around at the time depicted in this new video clip from Microsoft. it’s quite heartening though, like being reassured that all is going to end well despite the economic doldrums and we won’t end up living in Blade Runner before the decade is out. Casting gloom aside, the short clip portrays world where well-heeled future workers live in a cloud empowered domain where touch sensitive gadgets are the norm. Sadly, no cyborgs. You can watch it for yourself after the jump.

Microsoft trailer

Original Story Microsoft Envisions The Office Of Tomorrow With 2019 Short

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Well Played, Sir: Frustrated Motorist Pimps His Car With LED Signal Lights

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:21 PM PDT

As the old saying goes, no matter how good you drive there’s always a few idiots out there who’ll ruin your day. Also, no matter how good a driver you are, you shouldn’t put a cup of boiling hot takeout coffee between your legs. Never!

LED car(...)
Original Story Well Played, Sir: Frustrated Motorist Pimps His Car With LED Signal Lights

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Ess Lack Edible Spray Paint Colors Your Food Yummy

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:11 PM PDT

Ever wanted to give your food a magical sheen for whatever reason appeals to you? Aspire no more because a German company has just outed a new line of spray paint that, well, paints your food your way. Be it silver, gold, metallic red, or chrome blue the Ess Lack line delivers an unbelievable sheen to whatever is served in your dining table.

Ess Lack

Original Story Ess Lack Edible Spray Paint Colors Your Food Yummy

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Wooden Memory Table Comes With A Camera (Video)

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:07 PM PDT

That’s about it, really. Imagine a plain wooden desk with an extended arm fitted with a camera. The camera takes pictures of whatever you’re doing at the desk and there—a photographic archive of your, uh, desk time.

Delen Memory Table

Original Story Wooden Memory Table Comes With A Camera (Video)

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Backyard Party Anywhere With Carson Portable Rotisserie (Video)

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:04 PM PDT

Iron Man can suck it. While Tony Stark can carry his metal suit in an attache case, we doubt he can use it to barbeque stuff. Enter the latest portable meat cooker/rotisserie from Carson, a company that specializes in such clever gadgets. Not only is it lightweight, but it has got space inside for seven luscious barbecues cooking above the infernal flames at its bottom. Hungry now?

Carson Rotisserie

Original Story Backyard Party Anywhere With Carson Portable Rotisserie (Video)

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Diode Lasers Could Spark Lighting Revolution

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:00 AM PDT

Emphasis on ‘could,’ since this technology is so fresh it probably won’t catch on until a bunch of years. The Sandia National Laboratories has released its finding from aa recent experiment involving white light, the result of combining four colored diodes at a specific wavelength. The experiment was carried out in New Mexico, where the Center For High Technology Materials became ground zero for a curious little test.

Laser Light

Original Story Diode Lasers Could Spark Lighting Revolution

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Gunnar Optiks Releases FPS Centric Shooting Glasses

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 02:00 AM PDT

It seems a lot of folks these days are riding on the Modern Warfare 3 bandwagon. Gunnar Optiks are guilty of the same and since MW3 is just around the corner, they’ve released a pair of glasses that should improve the vivid experience of shooting Russians, terrorists, and bad guys in general. Seen below is an example of its badly named Modern Warfare 3 Gaming Eyewear. Sure, the name leaves much to be desired, but its features are getting a lot of mileage in different places.

Gunnar Optiks MW3

Original Story Gunnar Optiks Releases FPS Centric Shooting Glasses

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Murata Outs Its New Robotic Walking Aid (Video)

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 01:00 AM PDT

Since most developed countries are facing the prospect of a gray population, it comes as no surprise that gadgets these days are being designed for use by the elderly or crippled. Now comes the latest walking aid from Murata, one of those Japanese companies that don’t stop innovating. Seen below is its ‘assistance car,’ a vertical walking aid whose specific application is not very clear at the moment. While it could work for old people with mobility issues, the walking aid can also be applied to different tasks like a shopping cart a luggage carrier. There’s a video after the jump.

Murata walking aid

Original Story Murata Outs Its New Robotic Walking Aid (Video)

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LightTissue Concept Glows Around Your House Even When Unused

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 12:30 AM PDT

A Chinese designer has just outed his latest brilliant idea, which is literally brilliant when used in a darkened room. It’s called Light Tissue, a moniker that has ‘obvious’ written all over it. It’s a little strange in the sense that tissue is often used as disposable when the Light Tissue apparent utility compels a user to keep it around for whatever reason. In other words, it looks too useful to be discarded.

Light Tissue


Original Story LightTissue Concept Glows Around Your House Even When Unused

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